
Showing posts from April, 2019

Paragraph Graphic Organizer

Here is the graphic organizer we use to create outlines for our paragraphs: Basic Paragraph Outline Note: It is just the first page of the PDF. Reminder:  You will write your next paragraph on Tuesday April 24th

The Renaissance Outside of Italy

Here are the questions for Tuesday April 16th's class: The Renaissance outside of Italy

Homework for April 15th - WAAMM Venn Diagram

As mentioned on Friday... Please do your best to complete the Venn Diagram (click << there if you need to print off a new one) comparing the character of Ashley and Stewart in We Are All Made of Molecules (WAAMM).  You are responding to this statement: "Ashley and Stewart are very different characters in the novel." From our reading, how different are they actually? To what degree? Completely different? Mostly different? Somewhat? Use what you know so far (and read ahead if you want!) to complete the diagram to prepare you to write a compare-contrast paragraph this week. We will discuss more this week. -Mr. F