Civilization Project: Map

Your Civilization, of course, needs a map so we can see what it looks like on paper (literally)!


Your map must have:
-a clear purpose (to show the layout and geography of your civilization)
-continents (land) and oceans (water)
-a legend of symbols and signs on the map (at least 10)
-latitude and longitude
-a scale for reference (for example: 1 cm : 100 km)
-cities with names (at least 3 or 4)
-rivers and lakes with names
-at least 3 or 4 other land features with names (mountains, plateaus, plains, bay, etc.)
-borders or other divisions (provinces, states, prefectures, etc.)
-a compass rose
-forests/national parks
-any other ideas you might have!

Generally, your map should have all the required parts, be clear and organized, not have much empty space and look presentable!

You will complete your draft copy by Monday November 5th, your good copy will be due November 8th. You can do you completed version on the computer if you like, just check with Mr. Frankson.

Simple Example map (will be explained in class).

Once completed, your map will become part of our Class Atlas and will be on display!

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